Block Template

Polar Ice includes 2 custom blocks template

Autonav: PI Dropdown menu

Page List: PI Thumb Blog


This custom block template provides you with the cool, animated dropdown menus. If your site doesn't already have an "Autonav" block on it, just add this block to the top-right corner ("header nav" area). Then apply the "PI Drop down menu" custom block template. If you're not sure how to do this, see on the right more instructions. The colours of the dropdown menu can be customised via the Dashboard.

Page List

The "PI Thumb Blog" custom block template is designed for use with a blog-style page. Alternatively you could use it for a news-style page or anything else you wish. It will display an automatically resized image along with the page name (linked), published date and short description. This custom block template is designed to be responsive so it will automatically adjust itself on smaller browser screens.

The image is added using a custom page attribute. You can assign an image from your File Manager to a particular page via the Dashboard File Manager. Simply click a page and choose "Properties" followed by "Custom Attributes". Locate the attribute called "Page Thumbnail" and click it. This will add the attribute to the list on the right ready for you to use. Now click this attribute to pick an image from your File Manager. Easy!

Here's an example (the links don't actually go anywhere useful in this example):

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  • Sample Blog Post

    Sample Blog Post

    Jul 15, 2012

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id sapien sit amet massa elementum lobortis quis non purus. Etiam convallis, orci sit amet bibendum feugiat, ipsum eros malesuada nisl, vitae blandit justo dolor dignissim justo.

  • Another Blog Post

    Another Blog Post

    Jul 16, 2012

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id sapien sit amet massa elementum lobortis quis non purus. Etiam convallis, orci sit amet bibendum feugiat, ipsum eros malesuada nisl, vitae blandit justo dolor dignissim justo.

  • This Isn't A Real Blog

    This Isn't A Real Blog

    Jul 18, 2012

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id sapien sit amet massa elementum lobortis quis non purus. Etiam convallis, orci sit amet bibendum feugiat, ipsum eros malesuada nisl, vitae blandit justo dolor dignissim justo.